Circadian Rhythm FAQ

Do I still get the benefits of morning light if it is overcast?

Yes, the blue light penetrates through the clouds.

Do I get the benefit of blue light if I drive with the window down?

Driving in your car with the windows down might provide some benefit, but we recommend 45 minutes to one hour of exposure to blue light between 7am and 11am outside, with no glasses or contacts covering your eyes.

Will EMBP be less effective if I do not get morning light?

Treatment is most effective when you have sufficient, good-quality sleep. If your lack of blue light exposure in the morning results in poor quality sleep, then you may not respond to treatment as well as someone with good quality sleep. As such, we advise regular morning exposure to blue light.

If someone is regularly sleeping from 10:00pm to 2:00am, is morning blue light still important?

Yes. Although someone may be sleeping through the night, sleep may not necessarily be deep or restorative sleep. Morning light will help regulate the sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of sleep.


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