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Electromagnetic Brain Pulse (EMBP) is a personalized and non-invasive neuromodulation treatment that alters nerve activity through the targeted delivery of stimulus to specific neurological sites in the body in order to help restore and optimize brain functionality.
EMBP treatment consists of recording the subject’s brain condition and characteristic activity patterns via an electroencephalogram (EEG) and then treating the observed anomalies using a customized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in contrast to the typical method of focusing on clinical symptoms or behaviors, EMBP focuses on the brain’s physical condition.
Developed based on the fundamental physical law of conservation and the stochastic nature of the nervous system, recent demonstrations of this novel technology have proven EMBP to be effective treatment for many neuropsychiatric disorders showing clinical improvements in patients with major depressive and anxiety disorders, ADHD, and SUD with comorbidity of mental illnesses.
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More About EMBP
Electromagnetic Brain Pulse (EMBP) Treatment uses a suite of Class II medical devices, including EEG, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), to uniquely image electric activities in the brain, identify areas in the brain that may not be functioning properly and, most importantly, treat the neurons in the brain with the goal of restoring optimal neurological function using a non-invasive, unique advancement in non-pharmaceutical neuromodulation.
EMBP is based on prior research of the brain’s physiological nature in electrical oscillation, energy metabolism, and their relationships with cognitive functions and mental disorders. Photic driving and TMS studies are demonstrations that the brain’s electrical activities follow the physics law of symmetry and conservation. External repetitive stimulation near or away from the brain’s intrinsic pulse interval variation can effectively modulate its activities by enhancement or perturbation. In recent years, we have shown that TMS, targeted by using an evaluation of an individual’s EEG, can effectively treat neuropsychiatric disorders including major depressive disorders, anxiety and SUD and addiction with comorbidity of mental illnesses.
EMBP is an individualized, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive electromagnetic procedure, using an individual’s characteristic EEG pulse sequence to provide a targeted application of TMS to help restore the brain’s default state and facilitate the recovery of its function. Progress (efficacy and side effect) is monitored utilizing serial q-EEG that facilitates small, but important, adjustments to the protocol over time in an effort to optimize clinical effectiveness.
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More simply stated, the patient’s EEG at rest is recorded and analyzed to ascertain the brain’s electrical patterning, identify possible abnormalities, and determine its optimal state of neural oscillation. The resulting data are used to develop a personalized treatment protocol for restoring the brain to its default functional state. The neural restorative result of the treatment can lead to remarkable clinical improvements.
Brain wave abnormalities (identified through EEG) can result from many causes, such as genetic mutations, chemical intoxications, head injuries, psychological stresses and so on. Therefore, many different treatments can be utilized to help restore the brain to its default condition.
EMBP is one of the noninvasive physiological treatment procedures delivered through a mechanism called “neural modulation.” EMBP consists of three steps as it is delivered to a patient: (1) recording the patient’s EEG at rest, (2) analyzing the EEG data by comparing them with a normative database, using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) process, to identify a patient’s characteristic alpha pattern, and (3) generating an electromagnetic pulse sequence that is customized according to an individual patient’s alpha pattern with its unique frequency distribution probability. The treatment’s intent is to help restore the individual’s default brain state, rather than chasing the phenomenology of clinical symptoms.
In the past 15 years, a growing body of literature following this theory has been published, dozens of patents have been granted, and the principles within the theory have been adopted by many other research groups, manufacturers and clinics. In contrast to all of the existing technologies, EMBP has shown equal or higher efficacy, depending on clinical conditions, and a much lower rate of adverse effect, especially with regard to the triggering of seizure due to the nature of variable stimulus frequencies.