How is EMBP different from rTMS?

Both rTMS and EMBP use a Class II TMS Medical Device. However, the ways in which these protocols differ are significant. First and foremost, standard rTMS therapy is not an individualized or personalized protocol. EMBP is guided by data generated by each individual patient’s EEG. In the table below, the differences between the two protocols are illustrated:

EMBP identifies the unique patterning of brain pulsing to generate an efficacious treatment protocol. This results in an individualized EMBP treatment as opposed to the repetitive, single-frequency and single-threshold “one-size-fits-all” application of rTMS.

What outcomes may result from EMBP treatment?

The primary objective of treatment is durable, functional recovery depending upon the presenting signs and symptoms. Commonly reported benefits may include:

  • Reduction of symptom severity,
  • Improvement in quality of sleep,
  • Improvement in sleep duration,
  • Reduction in anxiety,
  • Reduction in VAS Pain Scores,
  • Reduction and elimination of opioid use,
  • Reduction and elimination of alcohol use,
  • Improvement in concentration and focus,
  • Improvement in mood,
  • Improvement in attention span,
  • Improvement in sociability,
  • Improvement in motivation,
  • Improvement in clarity of thought,
  • Reduction in cravings (e.g. drugs and alcohol),
  • Improvement in emotional stability,
  • Improvement in ability to adapt to change,
  • Improvement in self-confidence and self-esteem,
  • Improvement in resiliency, and
  • Re-discovery of sense of humor.

Are there side effects from EMBP treatment?

Current data indicate that there are few side effects. Those that have been observed appear markedly mild, such as a mild tension headache at the site of stimulation lasting one-two hours that responds well to over-the-counter analgesics. A mild euphoria is also reported that is a result of induced dopamine secretion in the brain. With high threshold stimulation, scalp discomfort is possible at the site of stimulation or tingling spasms or twitching of facial muscles as well as hyperactivity and increased agitation being other possible side effects. With brain stimulation, there is also a risk of seizures; however, the risk is minimal with EMBP.

In comparison, the literature on TMS is 1 incident of seizure in 400,000 where the incidence warning of seizure that you find on popular video game devices is 1 in 4,000 for which no regulations on seizure-inducing images in video games have ever been enacted.

To further reduce any possible risk of seizure activity, however, EMBP utilizes randomized frequencies per train of stimulation instead of fixed frequencies used in rTMS and other programs. EMBP also limits the intensity of stimulation to half of what is FDA-indicated for rTMS to further reduce the risk of potential side effects.

How soon after EMBP treatment is begun should a response be expected?

Every individual’s response to treatment is different. Many may experience a calming effect immediately after the initial treatment session and each successive treatment session. Durable clinical outcome varies depending on individual brain condition and rate of response. An estimated course of treatment is indicated from the first comparative EEG. A small percentage of patients may not respond to the treatment due to other confounding factors, such as comorbidity of chronic illnesses or unsettled psychosocial interferences.

How many EMBP treatment sessions are necessary to achieve the best results?

Brain condition guides each individual’s course of treatment. The overall duration of treatment is based on an individual’s response rate. Length of treatment is determined by the clinician and patient together as they review clinical and EEG measures.

What is the success rate with EMBP treatment for different conditions?

Examples of significantly positive response include:

  • Results from a retrospective study of 400 patients diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) and addiction co-occurring with depressive disorder or anxiety disorder indicates that 72% of those patients responded positively to electromagnetic stimulation coupled with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and structured life training.
  • Results from a clinical trial for veterans with a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) indicated that more than 60% of the patients showed significant reduction in scores on the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – Military version (PCL­M) after four weeks of treatment.
  • Results from a pilot program conducted with worker’s compensation recipients whose daily morphine equivalent doses (MED’s) ranged from 80 to 700 showed that all nine patients reduced MED’s by 50% within the first month. Six out of the nine patients were weaned from opiate use completely. The remaining three patients were able to reduce usage to a safer, lower dosage and only “as needed” for pain. The most remarkable case was a patient who reduced opioid dosage from 700 MED’s to 80 MED’s and returned to work after 18 years of total disability and unemployment. All nine participants reported limited or no withdrawal symptoms.

How long will the effects of EMBP last?

Results vary per individual. If a reduction in positive gains is noted, additional treatment sessions may be indicated.

Will missing one EMBP treatment session affect my results?

Consistency of treatment is important. Weekends are designed to be treatment-free. It is highly recommended not to miss a treatment session between the first EEG and the second EEG during the evaluation of a patient’s rate of response. Missing a subsequent treatment session should not affect overall results.

Does having two EMBP treatment sessions in one day have the same effect as two EMBP treatment sessions over two days?

Two treatment sessions in one day is not as beneficial as two treatment sessions over two days.

A patient’s response to EMBP treatment sometimes plateaus even though the brain frequency has not reached its optimal state. The patient may be advised to take a break from treatment, after which, additional treatment may be advised by the physician.

Why might an EMBP treatment protocol change?

Protocol adjustments may be implemented as ordered by the physician based on changes in a patient’s EEGs and/or clinical symptoms.

Why is one patient’s EMBP treatment protocol different from another patient’s protocol?

Since each brain is unique, the EMBP protocol will be different for each patient as it is based on each individual’s specific EEG data.

EMBP treatment is most effective when the individual’s brain is in a calm awake state, without receiving and processing too much information. Therefore, the treatment session should be administered in a quiet room (reduced auditory input) with the patient sitting awake in a chair with his/her eyes closed (reduced visual information) during the EMBP stimulation.

Does a child who is unable to comply still get the benefits of EMBP if he/she does not close his/her eyes?

Yes, the treatment will still be effective with eyes open. However, to maximize the effects, it is recommended that patients close their eyes during the EMBP stimulation.

Does EMBP stimulate all neurons in the brain?

The goal of EMBP treatment is to optimize neuronal activity in all regions of the brain. The interconnection and communication among all neurons can be affected.

Should there be concern about medication(s) being taken by the patient?

During a patient’s intake appointment, any and all medications currently being taken should be disclosed. The clinician will address any and all questions regarding medications.

Should other medical or therapeutic treatment be continued while receiving EMBP treatment?

A patient’s current medical or therapeutic treatment will be reviewed in consultation with the current medical and therapeutic providers.

Is a patient’s pacemaker a concern?

The patient with a pacemaker or other internal electrical device should notify the clinician during the intake session. Such devices usually do not preclude treatment, but individual circumstances will be evaluated by the clinician.

Can eyeglasses, earrings, jewelry, or hearing aids be worn during an EMBP treatment session?

It is not necessary to remove eyeglasses, earrings, or jewelry. However, it is recommended to remove hearing aids during treatment sessions.

A healthy snack is recommended soon after each EMBP treatment session in order to replenish the body’s glucose level which may be decreased during the treatment session. This is especially important if the patient feels light-headed or tired after treatment.

Will EMBP treatment affect appetite?

A change in appetite might be noticed as a byproduct of decreased anxiety or increased energy level and motivation.

Is it common to become more emotional after EMBP treatment sessions?

Some patients report a re-discovery or awareness of emotions after EMBP treatment sessions.

Is there any radiation emitted by the EMBP medical device?


Is it safe for pregnant women to be in the room during an EMBP treatment session?

It is safe for pregnant women to be in the room.

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